Infernal Cape Zerker T-Bow


Infernal Cape zerker twisted bow.

We offer infernal cape services for these regions – North America, Europe & Australia. A high-speed wired internet connection of at least 7.5+ MBPS is required.
First we connect to your PC, so the cape is achieved on your IP-address, thus limiting the chance of a removal!
Last but not least, feel free to get in touch for a custom quote, lots of variables which can lower the price even more!

Available on back-order

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Infernal Cape Zerker Twisted Bow

An infernal cape in osrs is a superior variant of the fire cape awarded for completing the Inferno. It has over twice as many offensive bonuses as the fire cape, along with unrivaled defensive bonuses.
In terms of overall bonuses, it is the most powerful melee cape in OldSchool RuneScape.
Ardougne cloaks 3 and 4 still surpass it in stab and prayer, while the mythical cape surpasses it in crush.

The infernal cape is combineable with the max cape to change its appearance by turning it into the infernal max cape.

Exchanging the cape with Tzhaar-Ket-Keh, provides a change of obtaining the Jal-nib-rek pet. Like killing TzKal-Zuk, there is a 1/100 chance of obtaining the pet this way. If the player already has the pet, capes cannot be exchanged.

We offer infernal cape services for these regions – North America, Europe & Australia.
We require a high-speed wired internet connection of at least 7.5+ MBPS.
First of all we connect to your PC, this way we will be achieving the cape on your IP-address, thus limiting the chance of a removal!
Secondly we use parsec.
Last but not least, feel free to get in touch for a custom quote, lots of variables which can lower the price even more!
Furthermore there is other options available, get in touch via livechat | discord!


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