This guide focuses on obtaining Mithril Gloves, a cost-effective alternative to the more expensive Combat Bracelet. Discover how to acquire Mithril Gloves at a mere 1,950 GP, saving you from the 12,000 GP expense of a Combat Bracelet.
Mithril Gloves Guide
- level 30 Crafting
- level 41 Cooking
- level 30 Ranged
- level 25 Thieving
- level 20 Firemaking
- level 10 Fishing
- level 5 Fletching
- Cooks assistant
- Goblin Diplomacy
- Gertrude’s Cat
- Starting RFD
- RFD Goblin General
- Demon Slayer
- The Golem
- Shadow of the Storm
- RFD Free Evil Dave
- RFD Free Pirate Pete
- Fishing Contest
- RFD Free the Dwarf
- Big Chompy Bird Hunting
- RFD Free Scratch The Ogre
Cook’s Assistant
This marks your initial quest, ideal for beginners. No skill prerequisites are required. Gather a bucket of milk, a pot of flour, and an egg as your needed items. Upon completion, you’ll earn a rewarding 300 Cooking XP, advancing you to level 4.
Goblin Diplomacy
This upcoming quest also requires no specific skill levels. Collect three goblin mails, obtainable by defeating goblins or purchasing them from the Grand Exchange, along with a blue dye and an orange dye. Upon finishing this task, you’ll gain 200 Crafting XP, propelling you to level 3.
Gertrude’s Cat
Your next recommended quest is ‘Gertrude’s Cat,’ which, like the others, has no specific skill prerequisites. To complete it, gather a bucket of milk, a seasoned sardine, and 100 coins. As a reward for your efforts, you’ll receive a generous 1,525 Cooking XP, elevating your Cooking skill to level 12.
Starting Recipe For Disaster
To embark on this quest, you must have reached a Cooking level of 10. Gather the following items: an Eye of Newt, Greenman’s Ale, a pineapple, a lemon, an orange, and a Dirty Blast. Upon successful completion, you’ll gain the ability to start liberating guests.
RFD Goblin Generals
The RFD Goblin Generals quest is the fifth step in your journey. To undertake this quest, you must have previously completed Goblin Diplomacy. Gather the following items: bread, a knife, a blue, green, or purple dye, an orange dye, charcoal, a bucket of water, fishing bait, and spice.
Upon successfully completing the RFD Goblin Generals quest, you’ll be rewarded with 1,000 Cooking XP as well as Farming and Crafting XP. Your cooking skill will reach level 13 with 1,925 XP, while thieving will be at level 1, and Crafting at level 10 with a total of 1,200 XP.
To progress further, skilling is necessary. Achieve 12,163 Crafting XP, raising your Crafting skill to level 30, and gain 7,342 XP to reach level 25 in Thieving. Here’s how to do it:
For Crafting, create 811 bowstrings, which can be sold on the Grand Exchange for a total of 133,000 coins.
For Thieving, begin by pickpocketing men or women until you reach level 5, after which you should transition to Ardougne and continue thieving from the cake stall until you reach your target of level 25.
Demon Slayer
After your skilling efforts, you can resume your questing journey, beginning with the Demon Slayer quest, which, once again, has no specific requirements. To embark on this quest, you’ll need a bucket of water, a gold coin, and 25 unnoted bones. Your reward for completing this quest will be the powerful weapon, Silverlight.
The Golem
This marks your seventh quest, and to undertake it, you should have achieved level 20 in Crafting and level 25 in Thieving. Gather the following items: a vial, a pestle and mortar, papyrus, and four soft clay.
Upon successful completion of this quest, you’ll earn a rewarding 1,000 Thieving XP and Crafting XP as your well-deserved rewards.
Shadow of The Storm
To proceed to the eighth quest, ‘The Shadow of the Storm,’ you must have achieved a Crafting level of 30. For this quest, gather the following items: Silverlight, a strange implement obtained from the Golem quest, a black outfit, with black desert robes being recommended, and a silver bar.
Completing this quest will grant you a substantial reward of 10,000 XP in a combat skill of your choice.
Free Evil Dave
Your ninth quest, ‘Free Evil Dave,’ can be undertaken with the completion of the previous eight quests. The only item required is a full-grown cat. Upon finishing this quest, you’ll be rewarded with 7,000 Cooking XP, raising your Cooking skill to level 31.”
Free Pirate Pete
Your tenth quest, ‘Free Pirate Pete,’ requires a Cooking level of at least 31. Gather the following items: a raw cod, a pestle and mortar, bread, a knife, a fishbowl (available for around 500 GP on the Grand Exchange), a needle, and three bronze wires.
Upon successfully completing this quest, you’ll be rewarded with 1,000 XP in Cooking, Crafting, Fishing, and Smithing.
Fishing Contest
The 11th quest, ‘Fishing Contest,’ requires a Fishing skill level of at least 10. To complete it, gather the following items: a spade, garlic, a fishing rod, three red vine worms, five coins, and a fishing pass.
Upon successfully finishing this quest, you’ll earn a generous 2,437 Fishing XP, advancing your Fishing skill to level 18.
Free the Dwarf
For your 12th quest, you should have a Cooking skill level of at least 30 and have previously completed the Fishing Contest quest. Gather the following items: 320 coins, any gloves (with ice gloves preferred), a bucket of milk, an egg, a bowl of water, a pot of flour, and 4 Asgarnian ales.
Upon successfully completing this quest, you’ll be rewarded with 1,000 Cooking XP, raising your Cooking skill to level 32.
Big Chompy Bird Hunting
For your 13th quest, Big Chompy Bird Hunting, you’ll need to meet specific skill requirements, including level 30 Cooking, level 5 Fletching, and level 30 Ranged. To complete it, gather the following items: an axe, Doggle leaves, Equa leaves, 100 feathers, a knife, a potato, an onion, a tomato, a chisel, 4 to 6 wolf bones, and non-Draynor cabbage.
Upon successfully completing this quest, you’ll receive 262 Fletching XP, 1,470 Cooking XP, and 735 Ranged XP.
Following the quest, you’ll need to engage in more skilling to reach level 41 Cooking, requiring 22,859 Cooking XP. You can achieve this by cooking 254 salmon. Additionally, you’ll need level 20 Firemaking, which necessitates 4,470 Firemaking XP. You can obtain this by burning 110 logs.
Free Skratch the Ogre
For your 14th quest, ensure you have achieved a Cooking skill level of 41 and a Firemaking skill level of 20. Gather the following items: an axe, an ogre bow, a ball of wool, ogre bellows, raw chompy, log, iron spit, tinderbox, and pickaxe.
Upon successfully completing this quest, you’ll be rewarded with 1,500 XP in Cooking, Ranged, Crafting, and Woodcutting.
Congratulations on successfully obtaining the coveted Mithril Gloves your Accounts, all thanks to your dedication in following our comprehensive guide! Enjoy your newfound gaming prowess.
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