Fire Cape 1 Defence 70+ Range 44+ Prayer


Requirements for the service:

  • 1 Defense
  • 70+ Ranged
  • 44+ Prayer
SKU: firecape1def70+range44+prayer Category: Tags: , , , , , , ,


During the OSRS journey, there is always that one stage where a player may have the desire to obtain the Fire Cape. But looking back, he/she might have a pure 1 Defense account or simply lack the skills and knowledge needed to obtain it. That is where we come in, as our quick services help players achieve their goal to obtain the cape even on their pure accounts. So, what are you waiting for? Follow the requirements listed below and let’s begin!

Requirements for the service:

  • 1 Defense
  • 70+ Ranged
  • 44+ Prayer

Obtaining the Fire Cape has a requirement of surviving 62 waves of Monsters, along with defeating TzTok-Jad. Jad is a level 702 boss, who is one of the strongest monsters in OSRS, so defeating him cannot be easy on a pure account. Apart from that, Fire Cape has many other uses like you can show it to Tzhaar-Ket to freely roam and access the city of Mor Ul Rek, or you can sacrifice the cape for a try at the Inferno. You lose the cape if you die at level 20 Wilderness or above, but you can lock it by speaking to Perdu with 500,000 gold coins in your inventory, and if the cape breaks, you can also repair it by using it on him. The cape is famous because of the bonuses that it provides in all forms of melee combat skills.


  • The only capes to have an animated effect in-game is the Fire Cape and Infernal Cape.
  • If you open your bank or scroll too quickly, there’s a glitch where the inventory icon of the Cape becomes animated.
  • Using items when they’re not compatible shows the message “Nothing interesting happens”, but in the case of the Fire Cape, the in-game message states “That doesn’t seem to do what you want it to.”


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